Writer. Website Maker. User of strong language.
Welcome to my website. You might ask yourself, “Lauren, why the heck is your page called Blissful Happenings?” And the truth is a long, boring story that involves a much younger Lauren who was terrified to do the one thing she always dreamed of—become an author. So, instead, she tried to make random hobbies her job and then blogged about them. One of those weird hobbies was helping people decorate baby rooms and she nearly started a childbirth and labor blog called, you guessed it, Blissful Happenings. Oh, silly young Lauren. While the idea passed, the name stuck. And then she learned about SEO and bleh, bleh, bleh. Here we are. Well, some of you have no doubt stopped reading, but a high and loving five to those who stayed.
Let's be Insta Besties!
Let's be Insta Besties!