She could be a farmer in those clothes.
If you told me back in 1995 that I would own a pair of overalls and LOVE wearing them, I would've laughed in your face. I basically lived to be Cher Horowitz. Knee highs and Mary Janes anyone!? If you don't know what I'm talking about you are probably a baby and most definitely need to educate yourself and watch Clueless STAT. It's coming on Hulu this month! But moving on, I live for this outfit. Comfy. Easy. Boom. Complete with a super cute teething bracelet for your vampire baby, always use code BLISSFUL for 15% off at our fave Mama + Little!!!!
In conclusion, don't be a full on Monet, getchu some skinny overalls and roll with your homies... promise, I'm done. See you soon, I hope not sporadically. Okay, now. Finished for reals.
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