Sale! Sale! Sale!!!
So my favorite chain retail shop is having a pretty rad sale and I suggest you head over to Madewell and check it out! I'm stocking up on post baby goods!!! Here's what I purchased and what I'm lusting after...
I am a sucker for loose tanks. They are perfect for nursing and reviews state this tank is super soft, so when you really just want to be naked, a loose soft tank you can easily pop a boob out of is #WINNING.
Another love of mine. Large, baggy button ups!!! I am a huge fan of Madewell's button up shirts. This one is thin and soft via reviews, so I'm sold!!! I can wear a Felicity Slimming Nursing tank under this and boom. Breastfeeding adorableness.
This skirt is my wild card purchase. I ordered up to a medium because reviewers claimed it to be a little suction-y, but I was a big fan of anything that sucked in my belly after having Rocco, so for a morning at the market with my new tank I think this is so super cute. I'll keep you posted on how it fits in 3ish months.
I didn't purchase these joggers, but I am tempted to make a trip back to the site... Soft, comfy, and chambray. The reviews are glowing and they also come in an Olive green. My kryptonite.
Okay, these are NOT on sale, but OMG I am lusting after these overalls like WHOA!!!! Definitely never thought I be saying that, these would be a breeze to nurse in paired with a baggy tank or a nursing tank and they are so stinking cute... I believe these will be a post-baby gift to myself!!!
Another one not on sale, but I am full on IN LOVE with this top. It will be mine.
Okay, so what'd ya buy!?!?! I must know! I live for shopping... and other things... Oh, shut up.