Let's Help the Philippines!!!


You may not know this, but I'm part-Filipino... Okay, not really, but I have been an honorary Filipino for over 13 years. The Captain and I did the cord and veil ceremony at our wedding. I cook vegan lumpia. I have a Nanay and Tatay. I love karaoke...and I am absolutely heartbroken by the devastation of Haiyan and just wanted to share a few easy ways you can help out from home!!! For as many awful things that people do to one another in this world, I'm always in awe of how good people can be! Looking out for our fellow humans is as easy as sending a text and so good for the soul.

Click HERE or HERE for a list of legit charities accepting donations!! Or you can give via text, you don't even have to bust out your wallet or computer. Text AID to 27722 to donate 10 bucks through the World Food Programme which is providing food, pretty important stuff. You can also text AID to 50555 which donates 10 dollars to Operation USA which is sending much needed water purification supplies. There's also the Salvation Army, text TYPHOON to 80888 to donate 10 smackers, 100% of the proceeds are going to support the relief effort!!! So there are endless ways to help out, but I'm also a big supporter of keeping those effected in your thoughts and prayers!!


Avocado Soup


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