Journey Back to Confident.

FullSizeRenderLately I feel like my confidence has been taking a good swift punch to the nuts, like daily. I look in the mirror and see a body I just don't recognize. It's hard to explain, but I just lack the muscle and tone that made me feel strong and sexy before Roc was born. I also feel blah and tired and bleh like ALL. THE. TIME. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for my body. It created, carried, and birthed my favorite little nugget. It's amazing, but as anyone who's housed a tiny human can atest it does some GNARLY stuff to your parts. I always had something negative to say about my pre-baby body and now I'm like, "dude, that body was the shit!" But here's the thing, feeling uncomfortable in your body and feeling like you want to be better is not reserved just for those who've had babies. As women, we are constantly wishing we had smaller this, bigger that… I don't want my son to hear me talk about my body that way. I want him to have a strong and confident mama no matter what size my jeans are! But here's the thing, I also need to feel good and for me that's getting back to eating clean [vegan with no refined sugar or wheat] and exercising regularly [20-40 minutes daily].

FullSizeRender_1I know it can be tiring and time consuming to meal plan but for me that is the secret to lifestyle change success! Planning so you don't ever find yourself in a place where you are starving and without good options. I need a plan, I need lists. I am old school, so I use cookbooks. Like a TON of cookbooks. I love Gwyneth's It's All Good, Giada's Feel Good Food, detox4Women, and any and all Kimberly Snyder books. I also have some favorite recipes from my favorite blogs and Pinterest, some of which I will be sharing with you! I have a membership to The Dailey Method which is amazing and an unbelievable way to slim down quickly in a super fun class surrounded by wonderful and inspiring women!! I also have a child that doesn't like to be predictable and likes to nap through any plans I make so I am using online resources like the brilliant FREE videos from the Tone It Up babes and my trusty Tracy Anderson dvds so that I can get my sexy back without having to wake nugget from a much needed nap [le sigh].

Every week or so, I am going to be checking in with you to let you know my progress, set backs, recipes, workouts I've loved, workouts I've hated… The whole shebang. Maybe we do this together. I would love for this to be a place were we can openly share our struggles and triumphs of feeling confident in the bodies we have!


Let there be Cupcakes


Moms Everywhere: I'm sorry I judged you…