It's Nacho Problem...

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So I eat nachos an alarming amount... but like when your "cheese" is made from carrots and potatoes and you top them with jackfruit and/or tons of veggies, it seems less indulgent. I followed various recipes the first few times I made this cheese, but was unhappy with the lack of nutritional yeast aka NOOCH aka vegan crack. It's not really crack... it's just addicting, dear Lord people this is a family blog. Shit. Any who, in honor of National Nacho Day, I bring you my delicious, healthy, and hella easy cheeze sauce. This bitch is soy, dairy, gluten, and oil free yet still tastes like unicorn tears and happiness. Enjoy.The Deets.

3 cups potatoes, peeled + diced 1 cup carrots, peeled + diced

Boil with veggie stock until tender. Strain.

2/3 cup water 1 tablespoon tamari 1 tablespoon yellow mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 cup nutritional yeast

Dump all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth. Add more water if you want a runnier cheeze. I would also suggest a bit more spice if you add extra water. Add more salt or tamari for saltiness. Add more mustard (or even a pinch of lemon) if you like more sharpness. Or more nutritional yeast for cheesiness. That's all folks!!!! Then dress your nachos to your hearts desire we love the shredded lettuce, black olives, avocado, tomatoes, + jalapeño combo. But you can also fry up some Jackfruit, peppers, + onions with some delish fajita spices and have fajita nachos!!! UM YES. We also love Cucina & Amore salsas and Tofutti sour cream for additional goodness! 

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Let us know in the comments if you try it out!!

xoxo Merry Nacho Day


Jord, rhymes with Toad.


Baby Numero Dos [3-6]