Baby Shower Fab
Photos via Kelsey Erin Photography | [dress] hand me down from Kohls, I love this and this and this [shoes] ancient Steve Maddens, these are totes fabulous! [necklace] Sea & Cake
I was able to make a trip back to Georgia in late May to visit all my family and see all my best peeps and also to have my Filipino baby shower. I don't know if you know this, but The Captain is Filipino. I have Filipino family. It's like My Big Fat Greek Wedding except with more gambling and roasted pig. The shower was more entertaining than I can possibly describe to you! From the limitless questions to the very anatomically correct Asian baby boy figure adorning my super non-vegan cake, seriously. It was a hoot. I am truly blessed and Rocco was sufficiently showered with gifts!!! I wore this adorable Kohls dress that was passed to me by a recently preggs buddy. I am obsessed with it. I wish it was still available online so you all could buy it!!! I think this is the perfect preggo dress. It's form fitting, but not skin tight and it's long enough that, as you grow, you don't start to worry about showing your lady bits. The pattern is pretty magical and it's from Kohls!!! Kohls?!?! I linked to a few super cute tank dresses from various inexpensive stores that are great for showing off your belly and staying cool when it's hotter than the surface of the sun outside. My shoes are super comfy, stable, and ancient, but those I posted are equally fab, they might not be as stable as mine if you are preggo… these might be a better option! I know they are high, but they are super comfy. I still wear mine!! Swearsies.
[In Georgia, with my beautiful mom,
Sandy Nana, my gorgeous sister, and then my super cute self. Look how tiny my tummy was!? How long ago was this? Have I doubled in size?!?! Ay yi yi.]
[Yes, that's exactly what you think it is. A baby statue with a penis and a USMC tattoo… No words. Side note: I ate like 30 veggie lumpia]