All my bags are packed...
My favorite Target travel bag is all set to go... With baby due in a week and change and knowing that it really could be any time, I decided to go ahead and get my bag ready. I had a pretty expedient first labor and with my [AMAZING] midwife urging me to not dilly-dally this time around, especially with a 45 minute drive ahead of us, I decided that I should get my shit together and make this happen. So over the past month I have slowly put together my Hospital Go Bag. I keep it and our iPad at the ready, just in case we have to bounce quickly! Here's what I have going on!
[Oils & Diffuser] I love my oils. I wouldn't have survived my first labor without Peppermint oil which aided me not vomiting every single time I had a contraction. Huge Fan. I also had an oil concoction diffusing and I tell you what, that made a difference. I remember nurses walking in and commenting about how lovely it smelt. It did. It really did. I plan on diffusing Valor this time around because it smells like heaven and I am a freaking warrior. So I think it's fitting. Now, I'm not going to sit here and explain my use of oils, preggo or not. There is plenty of good info out there by far more qualified folks. I would love for you to check out my buddy, The Oil Boss, and do your own research! I fully believe that there are other trustworthy and quality brands of oils out there, but I personally like Young Living and would definitely recommend them. I don't sell them, so it's not a sales pitch.
[Robe] I suggest a lightweight cotton robe in a dark color! Mines from Gap and I love it.
[Rocco + Norah Turban] Pictured Mama ain't doing her hair, possibly ever again, so my adorable and comfy turban is most definitely in my bag!
[Nursing Tanks] I have majorly raved about the Felicity Slimming Nursing Tanks before and I will again. I love love love them. Buy them, be happy. That is all.
[Belly Bandit & Hip Bandit] Pictured So I was a huge fan of my Original Belly Bandit last pregnancy and am even more excited this go around, I have a medium and a small... I am so pumped to regain control of my body again! I love that this company isn't just trying to make you "skinny" and it's in no way a waist trainer. These products are gentle and not only help your stomach muscles remember their former glory, they also help with posture while breastfeeding which is HUGE for me as I am a major slumper. They can also help with c-section recovery and so much more. I opted for a Hip Bandit as well because it definitely took my hips a long time to get with the program last time. So while my body is still pumping Relaxin, I will be compressing and taking advantage of that rad hormone!
[iPad & Charger] For music [I've been working on an iHeartRadio playlist, free and no commercials] and for FaceTiming.
[Cell Phone Charger] Self-explanatory.
[Cooling Towel] Okay, these things are BOMB. I had one with Mohawk that I've used throughout both pregnancies. Summer baby boys, killing me. You submerge them in water and they stay cool for, like, ages. It's amazing. During my labor with Rocco I went from freezing to hot flashes in an instant, so I loved my cooling towel when I was feeling toasty.
[Belly Oil & Claraderm] MORE OILS! So to use with my Belly Bandit, I will continue to use a mixture of Mother's Special Blend oil and Young Living Gentle Baby oil. It smells so good and helps keep skin moisturized and toned. Young Living Claraderm Spray is a magical mixture of oils [tea tree, lavender, myrrh, and frankincense to name a few] you spray on your who-ha before and after labor to help with irritation, itching, and all the cray things that happens to your lady palace before, during, and after giving birth.
[Lip Balm] Insert your favorite brand here. My lips were so so so chapped last time and I ended up using the hospitals gross thick sample thing they give out, it worked, but I'm going to be prepared this time.
[Grippy Socks] pictured These are lifesavers on slick hospital floors! You can find various brands on Amazon, but I personally love my TDM ones!
[Snacks] pictured Snacks, snacks, snacks, I love snacks. So unlike my Cali Hospital, I'm not going to be able to order a 3 course meal off of a completely vegan menu... You guys. Scripps La Jolla's vegan menu is AH-mazing. I ate like a champ. So while there are a few surrounding restaurants that I will send The Captain to for mealtime, I'm relying on bars to keep me from chewing off a limb in-between.
[Face Wipes] pictured Cause they are just SO easy!
[Loose Clothing] Seriously, baggy loose trousers, baggy loose dresses are a life saver... Paired with your nursing tanks you'll be golden until you are discharged!
[For the Nugget] I have a few onesies in various sizes, lavender soap for his bath, my trusty Ollie Swaddle, and a few Aden and Anais blankets for mister man. The rest of his goodies will be eagerly awaiting him at home!!!
So that's all she wrote!! What do you think? Pretty good? Am I missing anything you HAD to have in your bag? Tell me in the comments below!!!
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